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Seulingcon for many of us was driving across country spending July 4th weekend in Manhattan soaking up the energy of a growing group of comics world souls. Not only were Phil’s shows the best of the best back in the day, he also lent his teaching skills to others seeking to host shows in their own areas around the country. That is my main earliest memories of Phil Seuling. A guy who could be gruff as all get out, yet patient enough when in teacher mode to make sure his point was absorbed before moving on. I was blessed to be able to set up at 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973. Phil helped Steve Johnson and myself tremendously acclimate from Fremont Nebraska to the Big Apple Manhattan NYC at that firwst 1970 Baptism in Fire. We came so totally unprepared for NYC survival realities. Just naive young pups on a fast track learning curve. Nest year 1971 Steve and I were pre-prepared for bear hunting. We traded and/or bought from first Al WIlliamson who wanted my PV Feb 1938-1949 full Sunday page

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